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See Why Agencies Choose Search Atlas over Surfer SEO for SEO Content Writing Software

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Backlink building. Content marketing. Technical optimizations. Wherever your SEO strategy goes, Search Atlas has the tools.

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On-Page Audit Tool

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See Why Agencies Choose Search Atlas over SEMRush for their Enterprise SEO platform
See Why Agencies Choose Search Atlas over Surfer SEO for SEO Content Writing Software

How to Use Search Atlas AI Writer for SEO Writing

Table of Contents
Search Atlas AI Writer

The AI Writer in the Search Atlas dashboard lets users generate SEO articles in just a few clicks. Articles created using the AI writer include fully optimized heading structure and copy, as well as original, high-quality content that explores content in-depth.

This article will break down the features of the AI writer and show how to use them for maximum results. Note: This article was created using the AI Writer in Search Atlas.

Complete SEO Article

Headings outline

Search Atlas AI Writer facilitates the creation of high-quality content outlines that are both reader-friendly and SEO-compliant. Users have several methods at their disposal to generate a headings outline, ensuring flexibility and efficiency in content creation.

  1. Manual creation – Clients with a specific vision for their content can manually create a headings outline using an intuitive form provided by Search Atlas. This option allows for direct input and customization of the outline structure before content generation.
  2. Import from Existing Article – For articles with a solid outline but subpar content, Search Atlas offers a feature to import the existing outline directly. With a simple click, clients can leverage the structuring of their current content as a foundation for improvement and revision.
  3. AI-Generated Headings Outline – Utilizing the most advanced capabilities of Search Atlas, the AI-generated headings outline represents the pinnacle of automated content planning. The AI analyzes the content strategies of top competitors for specified keywords, generating an outline designed to surpass competitor performance in search rankings. This method ensures that users receive a strategically optimized outline with minimal effort.

Each approach offers distinct advantages, allowing users to tailor the content creation process to their specific needs and objectives. Whether through manual input, content importation, or AI-powered generation, Search Atlas AI Writer streamlines the production of effective and competitive content outlines.

Terms to include

Terms to Include

When crafting content, the strategic use of target keywords and entities is crucial for achieving high search engine rankings. Search Atlas enhances this process by conducting a comprehensive analysis of top competitors associated with the target keywords of the article. Leveraging our advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) engine, SearchAtlas identifies the most effective entities used by competitors, which are essential for the article to achieve a high ranking.

Topical term

High Authority Knowledge Resources

Each entity identified by Search Atlas is linked to a high-authority knowledge resource, facilitating Google’s comprehension of the content’s subject matter. By integrating these finely selected entities, which are associated with esteemed repositories such as Wikipedia, Wikidata, Google Knowledge Graph, and Crunchbase, the content is positioned favorably for Google’s indexing processes. This strategic alignment with reputable knowledge sources ensures that Google can instantly grasp the topic, significantly enhancing the content’s potential to rank at the top of search results.

Optimized Content Integration

The capability of the Search Atlas AI writer tool extends beyond mere entity identification. It excels at seamlessly weaving these entities into the content, optimizing both the quality and relevance of the article. This meticulous incorporation guarantees that the content is not only high-scoring in terms of SEO metrics but also of superior quality, rendering it immediately ready for publication.

By utilizing Search Atlas AI Writer, content creators can leverage the power of targeted entities and authoritative resources, ensuring their articles are positioned for the highest possible visibility and engagement on Google.

Questions to include

Quick add top questions

A pivotal strategy in content development is addressing the specific queries that readers are actively seeking answers to. For each target keyword analyzed, Search Atlas furnishes a comprehensive list of “People Also Ask” (PAA) questions. Incorporating answers to these questions within an article significantly bolsters its authority, signaling to both readers and search engines that the content is thoughtfully crafted to directly respond to user inquiries.

Users have the flexibility to manually select which PAA questions to include in their content, allowing for a customized approach to directly address their audience’s needs. Alternatively, the AI tool within Search Atlas is equipped to autonomously identify and incorporate the most pertinent PAA questions related to the article’s topic. This ensures that the content is not only enriched with valuable, search-driven insights but also aligned with the readers’ specific interests and queries.

Links to include

Links to include

The strategic use of internal and external linking is essential for enhancing the navigational experience and boosting the SEO performance of a piece of content. Search Atlas empowers users with comprehensive control over the integration of links within their articles, ensuring that the content is both user-centric and SEO-optimized.

Through Search Atlas, users are provided the option to explicitly determine which links should be incorporated into their content. This includes the freedom to specify both internal links (pointing to the same website) and external links (leading to other websites), enhancing the article’s value and relevance. Additionally, users can select preferred anchor texts for these links, enabling a level of customization that can further refine the content’s effectiveness and readability.

In instances where the user chooses not to specify anchor text, Search Atlas steps in with its intelligent algorithm to identify the most appropriate location and context for link insertion. This ensures that even without direct user input on anchor texts, the content remains enriched with strategically placed links that contribute to a coherent and engaging user experience.


Add images

Search Atlas introduces a groundbreaking custom AI model designed to revolutionize how visuals are incorporated into digital content. This innovative solution offers the capability to produce photo-realistic images tailored for use in blog posts and landing pages, ensuring that every visual element aligns perfectly with the content’s theme and objectives.

Search Atlas provides users with the flexibility to select image sizes that best suit their specific needs. Whether the requirement is for compact visuals or more expansive imagery, the custom AI model accommodates a range of dimensions, thereby enhancing the aesthetic appeal and functionality of the content.

In addition to standard images, Search Atlas empowers users to generate captivating hero images. These larger, prominent visuals are crucial for making a strong first impression on landing pages and blog posts, immediately engaging visitors and drawing them into the content.

An integral feature of this AI model is its ability to automatically generate alt text for each image. This ensures that all visuals are not only aesthetically pleasing but also SEO-compliant, contributing to the content’s discoverability and accessibility. The generated alt text accurately describes the image content, facilitating better understanding by search engines and improving the overall user experience for those utilizing screen readers.

Customized Writer Settings

Custom AI settings

Search Atlas’s AI Writer offers an extensive suite of customization options empowering users to tailor content creation to meet specific SEO and stylistic requirements. These settings ensure the output is not only optimized for search engines but also aligns perfectly with the intended audience and content strategy.

  • Generate Meta Title & Description: Automatically creates SEO-compliant meta titles and descriptions, enhancing the visibility and click-through rates of your content.
  • Disable Conclusion: Offers the option to remove the conclusion section for a more concise article format.
  • Key Takeaways: Adds a succinct list of 4-5 bullet points summarizing key insights right after the introduction, boosting reader engagement and comprehension.
  • Lists & Tables: Enables the inclusion of lists and tables within the content, improving readability and information presentation.
  • Literary Devices: Incorporates over 500 literary devices, such as metaphors and similes, enriching the content’s narrative quality.
  • Tease: Introduces a transition paragraph at the end of each H2 section, seamlessly guiding readers through the article’s sections.
  • Add Global Background: Accepts user-provided context to guide the AI in generating content that is aligned with the desired direction and theme.
  • H2 Section Length: Offers three length settings (short, medium, and long) for H2 sections, affecting both the article’s total word count and depth.
  • Language: Capable of generating content in approximately 80 languages, catering to a global audience.
  • Point of View: Allows selection among the first, second, or third-person perspectives, shaping the narrative’s approach.
  • Voice: Provides the ability to set the content’s tone, ranging from professional to casual, or even custom tones, ensuring the written voice matches the subject matter and target audience.

These customizable settings within the Search Atlas AI Writer tool enable users to refine their content creation process, ensuring that the final product is not only optimized for search engines but also resonates with readers, supports easy consumption, and aligns with the intended message and brand voice.

Create new post Metasync

The Search Atlas WordPress plugin

Search Atlas proudly introduces MetaSync, a dynamic WordPress plugin crafted to streamline content management on your website. MetaSync bridges the gap between the innovative content creation capabilities of SearchAtlas and the seamless functionality of WordPress, offering a straightforward solution for both content creation and updating.

Key Features of MetaSync:

  • Seamless Integration: Connect your WordPress website directly to SearchAtlas. This integration opens up a world of efficient content management directly from the SearchAtlas platform.
  • Automated Content Creation and Posting: Easily generate AI-driven content and publish it automatically to your WordPress site. This process not only saves time but also enhances the consistency of content updates.
  • Content Import and Sync: MetaSync enables you to import existing content from your WordPress website into SearchAtlas. This feature is invaluable for content revisions and optimizations. Once edits are completed within Search Atlas, you can effortlessly sync the updates back to your website, ensuring your content remains fresh and up-to-date.

Designed with simplicity in mind, MetaSync requires no complicated setup or technical know-how. Its user-friendly interface ensures that you can start generating, editing, and syncing content right away, making your content management process as efficient and pain-free as possible.

Landing Page copy

Landing page optimization with the Search Atlas AI Writing Tool is uniquely engineered to meet the demand. Our advanced AI seamlessly blends compelling copywriting with essential SEO elements, including meta titles and descriptions, to ensure your landing page captures attention and ranks well. The inclusion of photo-realistic images and strategically placed links enhances visual appeal, while the tool’s intuitive understanding allows for the integration of FAQs and customized settings, crafting a narrative that is not only engaging but conversion-focused.

What sets our tool apart is its ability to generate content that is concise, captivating, and packed with strategically positioned Calls-to-Action (CTAs) throughout. Designed to elevate user engagement and drive conversions, the AI-created content ensures your landing page performs exceptionally on all fronts.

SEO Content Assistant

Bulk AI generation

Search Atlas introduces the revolutionary capability of Bulk AI Content Generation, a powerful feature designed to redefine the efficiency of content creation. With just a few clicks, users can generate hundreds of articles, streamlining the content production process.
This feature allows for the preparation of unified settings that best suit the thematic and stylistic requirements of the articles to be created in bulk. Once these settings are in place, users can initiate the generation process, where the system meticulously crafts each article according to the predefined criteria.

Upon completion, the Bulk AI Content Generation tool offers the added convenience of bulk publishing, allowing all AI-generated articles to be seamlessly uploaded to your WordPress website. This end-to-end functionality not only saves significant amounts of time but also ensures that the content remains consistent and high-quality across the board. With Search Atlas’s Bulk AI Content Generation, managing large-scale content projects has never been easier, making it an indispensable tool for websites looking to expand their content footprint quickly and efficiently.

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